Hashtags for Photographers // Photography Business Tips
Want to grow your Instagram following?
These hashtags for photographers will help get you started.
You’ve heard that Instagram is a good platform for photographers so have been posting your fave photos from every photoshoot but aren’t getting anywhere. You might have managed to get your friends and family to follow you but want to start hitting the big numbers. Good news…. hashtags can help!
Before I start I want to say that I am a photographer not a social media strategist. I have worked with some amazing Instagram experts who have helped me understand how to use the platform to grow my own photography business, these are just a few things I have learned along the way. I’m not saying that I know it all (unless you are my 8 year old Daughter, then I absolutely do!) but I m happy to share what’s worked for me. If you’d like recommendations I have included details of social media experts that I’ve worked with further down the page if you’d like to learn more or invest in further support.
Don’t get obsessed with the numbers.
Firstly, it’s not all about the numbers. Try not to get sucked into the vanity metrics of Instagram, quality really is better than quantity. Having a smaller, engaged audience is more valuable than a large, unengaged following.
Quality content.
Relevant, interesting content will turn likes into followers. It’s all very well wanting to go out and get in front of lots of people but if you haven’t got anything for them to connect with then they’re likely to scroll on past. Pretty pictures just ain’t gonna cut it. Think about what they want to hear; whether that’s a blog topic or just the tone of voice that you use, it all matters.
Who are you trying to attract?
If your ideal client is a Bride-to-be in Lincolnshire, it’s not much use having an audience of men in Cardiff or Mums in Bournemouth. Once you are crystal clear on who you are trying to attract it will make content creation (and hashtag research) a lot easier. If you haven’t sat down and worked on your ideal client/client avatar then go and do that first.
Hashtag popularity.
You can find out how many times each hashtag has been used by clicking on it. If you use huge hashtags, you’ll find that you slip down the search results pretty quickly. Smaller hashtags mean that you’ll be visible for longer and stand a better chance at getting into the top results. I like to use a mixture, including one or two biggies (1m+), five medium-sized (50-100K) and the rest small (under 50K) hashtags. Imagine that Carol Vorderman is helping you on Countdown - one from the top, 2 from the middle and the rest from the bottom. Mix it up and see what works for you.
How many hashtags should I use?
You can add up to 30 hashtags per post, so why not use all 30? Each one will have a different pool of followers so it makes sense to use all that you can to get in front of as many potential new followers as possible. I like to mix my bundles up and use different hashtags depending on the subject of my post. I save bundles in notes on my phone so that I can copy and paste the relevant ones (I’m not good at thinking up hashtags on the fly!)
Where should I put them?
As far as I’m aware it doesn’t make much difference whether you include your hashtags in your post or add them to the first comment. It comes down to personal preference, I like to add them to the first comment but many include them in the post caption. Have a play with both ways and see which you prefer.
Now the we’ve covered the basics of using hashtags, here are a few to get you started. I’ve bundled them up into categories depending on what type of photography you specialise in. I’ve also added some general topics that might also apply such as local hashtags and small business hashtags. Treat it like the pick and mix at the cinema, take a bit of each or fill your bag with your favourite. Mix it up and find what works for you (check post insights to see what’s getting more attention).
Hashtag bundles for Photographers
General Photography Hashtags (Inspiration)
Family Photography Hashtags
Wedding Photography Hashtags
Tip: Check out relevant wedding blogs, most will have a hashtag
Small Business Hashtags
Maternity Photography Hashtags
Baby Photography Hashtags
Local Photographer Hashtags
#(County)photographer e.g. #berkshirephotographer
#(City)photographer e.g. #birminghamphotographer
#(Town)photographer e.g. #barnstablephotographer
#(County)(Niche)photographer e.g. #surreyweddingphotographer
#(City)(Niche)photographer e.g. #portsmouthbrandingphotographer
#(Town)(Niche)photographer e.g. #Cirencesterbabyphotographer
#(County/City/Town)(Niche) e.g. #Bristolbaby or #Herefordwedding
Tip: Think about other local services that your ideal client might be looking for e.g. if you’re a wedding photographer in Brighton you might use #Brightonweddingvenue #Brightonweddingplanner #barnweddingBrighton
These are just a few to help get you started in finding relevant hashtags for you. Spend some time each month researching new hashtags to keep it fresh and get in front of new audiences.
Extra Hashtag Tip
Don’t just hashtag and run, spend time engaging with others using those hashtags. If you’ve picked the right ones you’ll find lots of potential clients hanging out there - go and chat to them! Don’t be spammy, be genuine in your responses.
Need more help?
Growing your social media following should form just one part of your overall business strategy. If you’re stuck and looking for help with creating a personalised photography business strategy then I can help! Click below to find out more.
A couple of shout outs to the experts that I’ve worked with along the way…
Dawn at Beyond the Dawn
Pamela at Worsley Creative Services
Inge at Design Your Socials
If you’re just starting out these ladies have all got a ton of free content available for you to gt started with the basics. I have invested in working with all of them and have they have each made a real difference in how I utilise social media to help me get seen (and booked!) They really know their shiz, go check them out.
Stay safe,
Rachel x