Life Behind The Camera // Berkshire Photographer
I am a Mum.
I am a Photographer.
Sometimes these two statements get muddled in all of the craziness that running my own business brings, but first and foremost I am a Mum.
The Children
I have three young, spirited children. Each an individual, beautiful character blossoming before my very eyes.
They are the most amazing thing about my life, my proudest achievements, and the cause of several grey hairs!
The Husband
I married my best friend.
He is the most supportive, funny, loving person and I am very lucky to call him my husband.
He is also extremely sarcastic and therefore the second contributing factor to aforementioned grey hair.
Family Time
We are a pretty outdoorsy family. When I say that, what I actually mean is that my husband and children love the outdoors and occasionally manage to drag me away from the comfort of home to join them for a muddy walk through the various woodlands of Berkshire.
We are lucky to live so close to Dinton Pastures; we are often found riding our bikes around the lakes or walking the dog through the fallen Autumn leaves.
I am particularly fond of a vanilla latte once we reach the cafe!
(They also do a cracking breakfast)
Being a working Mum
It can be a difficult balance, trying to split my time between the three darlings and my flourishing business. With the children still at a young age I try to give them as much of my time as possible, whilst continuing to work hard and grow the business.
I am lucky to have a job that I love, and I am super-grateful for that. I love the creative outlet that photography provides, along with the wonderful clients that I get to work with (Best job ever!)
It is obviously challenging sometimes.
When the 1 year old is adamant that every toy he owns belongs in the dog's water bowl.
When the 6 year old is hell-bent on annoying his 4 year old Sister, and you hear the relaxing tone of a whining child.
When the 4 year old insists on using every one of the 2000 coloured pens that she owns, all at the same time.
When the house constantly looks like it has been ransacked by a large herd of wildebeest.
When I need to find more hours in the day, so am sat writing this at 4.40am on a Sunday morning (please send coffee)
But we are a funloving, adventure-seeking, all kinds of crazy family of five, and I wouldn't have it any other way*
*As long as there is gin available, otherwise I'm out
So that's me! A little insight into my life behind the lens.
So if you are looking for a fun, friendly photographer in Berkshire and fancy a chat over a cuppa then do get in touch
The following beautiful images of my tribe were taken by the totally amazing Kate Gray.