Natural Newborn Photoshoot in Wokingham
Natural Newborn Photography or Babies in Buckets?
Simple newborn photoshoots are becoming more and more popular across England as well as around the world. More photographers are starting to offer it as an alternative to the typical posed, prop-filled newborn photography that we have all become used to. This makes me very happy 🙂
Why Natural Newborn Photography is right for me
When my children were babies I looked for a newborn photographer but at the time all I could find were ones that offered babies in buckets on pastel coloured backdrops wrapped in flowers or posed with various props. This was not what I was looking for, I wanted them to be captured as they were. I was looking for something much more natural which I couldn’t find, and as a result meant that I don’t have professional photos of my children as newborns to look back on. This is why I decided to specialise in exactly this style, I take the photos of babies that I wish I had of my own.
Simply baby, simply beautiful.
I’m over the moon that more photographers are embracing this style of photography for families all over the country, making it available to more families.
Now, please don’t think that this is about me slating other styles of photography or shaming photographers that choose to photograph newborns in the more traditional ways described above. Absolutely not! These photographers are highly skilled and produce beautiful images for their clients. This is about celebrating the diverse range of photography now available for new Mums to choose from. This is about making Mums aware that they now have a choice.
Whether you love the more natural approach or seeing babies in flowerpots, let’s all agree that babies are just the cutest bloody thing ever?!
What are your thoughts? Which side of the fence are you on? Feel free to share your comments below.
These gorgeous images are perfect examples of what can be achieved by adopting a simple, natural approach focussing on details and connection within a family. If this is your bag then pop over and find out more about my photography sessions.