Baby Jennox // Baby Photographer Shinfield
Newborn Photoshoot in Shinfield
I went to see Kellen & Conor recently and got meet their brand new baby boy Jennox. At just one week old with a head full of fair hair he was just too cute to cope with!
He was sleepy when I arrived, so I got straight to work on wrapping him and letting him settle on my blankets. I often see some interesting facial expressions as they’re drifting off into a deeper sleep but Jennox gave me the best one ever - just take a look at that smile!
Once I’d worked through my workflow on the duvet (yep, its a white duvet I work on!) we moved upstairs to get some shots of Jennox with his Mum and Dad. When photographing in client’s homes I go looking for the light, and can usually find a bed or sofa that is lit perfectly for them to cosy up on with their new arrival. I’m also really careful to take into account Mum’s recovering from caesareans, stitches etc making sure that they are comfortable before taking any photos.
And then we were done! In just over an hour I had captured baby Jennox and his family, creating a gorgeous gallery for them to look back on for years to come. A lot of people assume that these sessions are going to take hours. Honestly, I’m not into taking up more of your precious time than I need to. I don’t rush them, we always follow baby’s pace, but equally I don’t overstay my welcome. Once we’ve got the shots I pack up and leave you in peace to relax and continue enjoying your newest family member. Most of my sessions are done within 90 minutes, some take longer but it all depends on how long baby takes to settle. I’m pretty good at making sure baby is happy and calm for their photos. I don’t aim for the them to be asleep, I actually love photographing babies while they’re still awake to capture them with their eyes open! Most will then fall asleep as my process ensures that they are fed, winded and dry before starting. Once wrapped and cosy I guess it’s inevitable that they’ll then drift off, giving me just enough time to catch some lovely awake shots before the sleepy ones begin.
Here are a few of my favourites from their newborn photography session taken at their home in Shinfield. If you’d like to book your own pregnancy, newborn or family session with me then get in touch! I’d love to hear from you.
Rachel x