Fun at the park // Family Photographer in Wokingham

Outdoor Family Photographs in Wokingham

Now that Spring has officially arrived (finally!) I have been enjoying getting out and photographing families again.

I love to shoot family sessions outdoors, I think it works much better for young children who would get bored or overwhelmed in the studio environment.

Outside we can go exploring, we can hunt for rocks, we can play pooh sticks or hide & seek. We can turn sticks into swords or magic wands, hide from the forest whale or blow bubbles. We can roll down hills, jump in muddy puddles or dance in the rain. The options are endless (and a lot more appealing to little imaginations!)

Here are just a few from a recent family photoshoot with the lovely George, Henry and little Martha photographed at Dinton Pastures in Hurst. It was a chilly, overcast day in April but we didn't let that stop us!

This time of year is perfect for outdoor family photos. My next family sessions will be held during the May half term, read more here