Abbie's Sitting Baby Photography Session // Berkshire Baby Photographer

Sitting Baby Photoshoot with Abbie

Offering newborn and baby photography means that I often get to see babies again once they are a bit older. It is such a treat to see how they have grown and changed since their newborn photography session, and to see how their characters are already developing.

I photographed Abbie when she was just a few weeks old and had the pleasure of welcoming her back into the studio now that she is sitting up (and very nearly crawling - clever girl!)

We had a play with some of the wooden toys I keep at the studio, creating lovely natural images of Abbie exploring and playing. I then brought Mum and Dad in, capturing beautiful pictures of them interacting as a family. 
Although I sometimes remind parents which way to face for the best light, I don't often ask anyone to look at the camera. It means that I am able to take beautifully natural, relaxed photographs without a fake 'cheese' smile in sight!

These are some of my favourites from their recent photography session. Do let me know what you think in the comments below x

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