Baby photography with siblings - my top tips

Tips for photographing a baby with their toddler siblings.

Baby photoshoot Woodley

As a photographer specialising in newborn and baby photography I regularly receive bookings that include older siblings, often around 2-4 years of age. If you are a photographer or parent reading this (or anyone that has ever encountered a toddler!) you’ll understand how much of a challenge this could possibly present.

I’m not going to lie, it used to fill me with fear. Having three children myself, I am fully aware of the toddler stage and do not underestimate the wrath of a three-nager!

But things have changed. I’ve developed a workflow specific to sibling shoots that has made them super simple and stress-free.

So if you’re planning on booking a newborn photoshoot and want to include your older children (you absolutely should!) or you’re a photographer looking for help with your sibling shoots then here are some of my top tips…

  1. Relax! Whats the worst that can happen? They’re either going to play ball or they’re not, stressing out about it isn’t going to help the situation. If anything, this will make things 10x worse. Kids pick up on our anxieties, so if we’re relaxed the chances are they will be too.

  2. Have incentives (bribes!) ready. If you’re a parent then make sure you’ve got plenty of snacks with you, as well as a couple of their fave books/toys/comforter. Photographers, make sure that you’re stocked up with bubbles & stickers, they’re always a winner with this age group. (Be sure to ask parents to bring the snacks, or check for allergies beforehand.)

  3. Plan the session around the siblings. For my studio sessions I try to do sibling/family shots first as this avoids them having to wait around and get bored. I then suggest that parents arrange for someone to take little one off to the local park while I capture the newborn photos. This is often Dad, leaving Mum in the studio with baby, or could be a Grandparent/friend that comes and collects them. All of this is included in my prep guidelines so that clients come prepared with wellies/suncream/raincoats/scooter etc depending on the weather.

  4. Get your best singing voice ready.
    Practise ALL of the nursery rhymes/cartoon theme tunes.
    Lose all inhibitions - the sillier the better!

  5. Keep it natural! 3-4 year olds have usually picked up a pretty awesome ‘cheese’ face by now, something that resembles a cross between a grimace and their poo face - nothing natural about that! You’re going to have to work for the real smiles - channel your inner Mr Tumble. I’m talking fake sneezes, fart noises and your best slapstick comedy game. These will help you get something that looks more like a natural smile as opposed to a constipated CBeebies character.

I hope that helps! Photographing newborns with their older siblings shouldn’t be scary, you just need to be prepared and fully expect to make a bit of a tit out of yourself :)

Good luck!
Rachel x

If you’re a parent looking for a photographer to capture your new baby (and their big Brother or Sister) then pop over here to find out more.