Baby Violet's Photo Session // Berkshire Baby Photographer

Violet's Sitting Baby Photoshoot

Little Violet came to see me for her Sitting Baby Session last year and was a natural in front of the camera. Sitter sessions are for babies around 7-10 months old, once they are sitting but not yet crawling. It is such a cute age to photograph, with their little personalities starting to shine through. I received lovely engagement from Violet - lots of eye contact, smiles, giggles (and dribble!)

This was shot in my old studio, but still gives a good idea of the white set up that I love to use. With such a simple background it really was all about Violet and those incredible eyes of hers! 

I do have outfits available in the studio for this age group, but Violet brought her own with her on this occasion. We added one of my Love Rosalie headbands to part of the session and I'm sure you'll agree it suited her beautifully.