Print your Pictures People! // Baby Photography in Reading
Why should I print my photos?
Those of you that have met me before will know how passionate I am about seeing pictures in print. It is something that I mention in all of my newborn photography sessions, so I thought I would write a blog post about it!
We live in a digital age, and all have 1000's of photos stored electronically. Whether they are on our phones, computers, CD's, USB's - then what do we do with them? If you are anything like me, that is where they stay! I have an album full of photos of our eldest son up to the age of around 6 months, then life got busier and I just didn't keep up with printing pictures from our adventures together. He is now 6, and we have since had two more children. The album still sits there, with lots of empty pages waiting to be filled. Still on my ever-growing list of things to do.
The beauty of having professional photographs taken is that you can print the images large without losing quality. You have paid money for a professional to take beautiful images for you, so print them! Chose your favourites and display them around your home. Enjoy them! Babies change so quickly, the images from your newborn session capture those tiny details for you forever. There is a link between children growing up surrounded by images of themselves and their developing self-esteem. If they see that they are important enough to be up on your walls, they have increased levels of self-confidence and self-worth. It makes sense doesn't it?
If your photographer offers it, I do recommend printing your images through them. Professional photographers have access to professional printing labs, and the quality difference between them and 'high street' labs are hugely significant. I've had numerous clients contact me asking why their images look different once printed. Why do they look dark and 'muddy'? Why do they look pink or green instead of white? It is because they have chosen a cheap online or supermarket print service.
Why pay hundreds of pounds to have beautiful photographs taken to then pay just a few quid on printing and completely ruin the images?
Digital packages are popular because you have the images available to print and use however you want after your session. But do please think about how you will be using those images, and trust your photographer to provide beautifully printed images for you.
One of my favourite products is shown below, a box of ten beautifully mounted prints.
Contact me anytime from your 12 week scan to book your newborn portrait session.