Newborn photography with Mum (get in the photo Mama!)
Mums in Newborn Photos
It will come as no surprise that I absolutely adore photographing babies.
Newborn photography is my speciality which means that I do it a lot. No two photo shoots are the same, but one thing I do strongly encourage is that Mums get in on the action. I always ask my Mums to step in front of the camera for at least a few photos with their newborn.
As a Mum myself, I get that it might make you feel uncomfortable but I promise that you won’t regret it. Being present in photos with your babies, and children as they grow up, is SO important. Not only for you to look back on but for your children as they get older. Kids love looking back at photos of themselves when they were younger, don’t you think they’ll want to see you in them too?
As a new Mum we all struggle with tiredness, overwhelm, baby sick or dribble on every piece of clothing that we own, which make for easy excuses not to have our photo taken. We all have bags under our eyes (mine are still here 8 years on!) or lack of time in the morning to do our hair properly. None of these things will be important or even noticed by our children.
All they’ll see is their Mum, their best friend, their world.
Holding them.
Playing with them.
Just being there.
Looking back
How many photos do you have with your Mum from your childhood? I’m betting that it isn’t many. As Mums we are often the ones taking the photos, capturing our children as they play, sleep and eat. We capture cute moments of our children with their Dads, Grandparents and friends. But who takes photos of us with the baby?
As a generation we don’t tend to have many photos with our Mums. Years ago, before we had a camera phone available to capture every moment, family photography was valued as hugely important. It was something that families invested in and proudly displayed on the wall. I remember the annual photo with my Sisters and parents, dressed in ridiculously co-ordinated outfits in front of random backdrops (anyone else got the classic sat-in-front-of-a-faux-library photo??)
But I hate having my photo taken!
Photos don’t need to be uncomfortably staged. Have you noticed anything about the photos on this page? Not one of these gorgeous Mamas is looking at the camera. Instead, I’ll ask you to look at your beautiful new baby. Focussing on them is when the magic happens. It’s when the heart eyes come out. It’s when the nose nuzzles, cheek kisses and beaming proud-Mum smiles come out. You’ll forget all about me taking your photo (I promise!) and pure love will pour out of you creating heartbreakingly beautiful images like these that I guarantee you’ll all be grateful for in years to come. All of the images below are of new Mums with babies just a few weeks old. Do any of them look anything other than utterly jaw-droppingingly gorgeous?
So if I ask you to jump in for some photos with your baby please don’t be nervous or conscious of how you look. Think about your children growing up and seeing you, their favourite ever person, present in THEIR photos. The photographs will, after all, be handed down to them once they’re all grown up and no longer needing hourly night feeds or their outfits choosing for them. When they become parents they’ll be looking back at when they were a baby and realising just how much of an awesome job you did. 💪
They’re only little once, be present in those moments. Do it for them.
Mummy & Me Photoshoots
If you’re coming round to the idea of having photos taken with your baby then we’re going to get on great! Whether it’s a newborn or first birthday photoshoot, I’ll make sure that you leave with beautiful images of you with your babe.
If you want to book a photoshoot for you (you rock!) then pop over and check out my Mummy & Me photoshoots. Baby can be any age and we can involve older Children. This is for YOU. Make this year the one you start showing up in photos with your little ones.