Pregnancy Photoshoot Checklist

pregnancy photoshoot

Pregnancy Photoshoot Checklist

If you’re planning a pregnancy photoshoot (check you out, you awesome Mama-to-be!) then you might be wondering what you’ll need to bring with you? Well wonder no more, I have created this handy checklist to help you out.

Black/white/nude underwear

Bare with me on this one. I’m fully aware of how much of a weirdo I sound talking about your pants so early on in our relationship, but it’s for a good reason. Keeping it simple and showing that beautiful bump of yours is what its all about, so having the right underwear (that you’re comfortable in) will really help us create awesome pregnancy portraits for you. I have a number of shirts/jumpers/cardigans available for you to use during your photoshoot, all of which look amazing with just a pair of pants (I’ve gone weirdo again, haven’t I?)

pregnancy photoshoot

Get your perfume on

If you smell great you feel great. Ok, I may have just made that up but think about it - you want to feel amazing during your pregnancy photoshoot. Sure, you’ll do your hair & make up and I’ll help style what you wear (remember my obsession with your underwear??) but what else will make you feel confident to step out in front of my camera? You’d be amazed what a difference a quick spritz of your favourite perfume can do for your confidence.

pregnancy photoshoot

A full tummy

Make sure you have a good meal before your photoshoot. No, I’m not talking a full on Christmas dinner or 3 course meal at your favourite restaurant (save that for after our shoot - you’ll have earned it!) What I mean is don’t turn up feeling hungry. Sure, I have snacks and drinks available at the studio but you’ll feel better with a good breakfast or lunch inside you, your energy levels will thank you for it. While we’re on the subject of food and drink, please make sure that you stay hydrated in the lead up to your photoshoot. Not only will this help you feel good, it will help you look good! Drinking plenty of water helps everything stay healthy, including your skin and hair, perfect for helping you to ‘glow’ in your photos.

pregnancy photoshoot

Your Partner & Children

There is nothing better than being able to share these moments with your favourite people. Encouraging your partner and Children to be involved in your photoshoot is a big yes from me. I’m not strongly suggesting it, I’m flat out demanding that this happens. Yes, I might be coming on a bit strong, but these are moments that you won’t get back. These are memories that you want to share with the people that you love the most, so let’s make it happen. Bring them along to your photoshoot and leave the how/why/where to me.

pregnancy photoshoot

A sense of humour

This is a biggie. If you’re feeling nervous about being in front of the camera, or are unsure about whether your toddler will play ball then laughter will help get you through. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself or others, it’s important to relax and let it happen. And it will, happen that is. It will happened whether you’re anxious or stressed, happy or excited, so why not relax and allow yourself to enjoy this experience? It will help us capture the images that you want so let’s have a giggle while we’re doing it!

pregnancy photoshoot

There you have it, my Pregnancy Photoshoot checklist. If you found it useful then please do share with your pregnant pals, I’m sure they’ll thank you for it!

If you were on the fence about booking a pregnancy photoshoot then I hope this has helped address any concerns you had. If not, please do get in touch and I’ll be happy to answer any questions or talk through any worries you might have.

At the end of the day, you have one chance to capture this pregnancy - let’s not miss this opportunity.