What if my baby doesn't smile during their photoshoot?

what if my baby doesn't smile at their photoshoot?

What if my baby doesn’t smile at the camera?

Almost all of my clients tell me they're worried about whether their baby will smile at the camera during their photoshoot. That they're going to invest time and money trying to get some professional baby photos only to end up with one or two of baby crying or pulling an over the top 'cheese' face.

Can you relate?

Well, if you work with me, you can cast that worry aside! Let me tell you why...

1. Playtime with pictures

I make it fun! Providing them with some gorgeous wooden toys to explore and enjoy makes it easier for them to relax and have fun. What does your baby do when they're having fun? That's right, they smile! You also end up with gorgeous shots like this 👇🏻

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2. Keeping it real

How much time does your little one spend playing each day? I’m guessing quite a lot? Why would we not capture them as they would normally be, how you see them pretty much every day at home? We don't need to do anything different just because they're in front of the camera, let's do something that they know. That they enjoy. That they're good at! We don't need to ask them to sit in an uncomfortable prop and look like they're happy about it. We don't need to dress them up in a knitted lion outfit and ask them to enjoy it. Nope, they'll able to live their best lives in comfortable clothes playing in the great outdoors - what little one wouldn't enjoy that?!

3. Smiles are lovely but personality is better.

Sure, their 'cheese' face is cute in a bulldog chewing a wasp kinda way. But how amazing would it be to have pictures up around your home of them just being themselves? Not pretending to be a woodland creature, not posing in something that they wouldn't ordinarily be allowed to sit in (not sure how many babies chill out in flower pots or buckets at home), just being their awesome selves? How much of a daily boost to their self-esteem would that give them? Growing up knowing that you love them just as they are, and have them plastered all over your walls doing just that? That's a pretty big deal, don't you think?

So there it is, 3 reasons not to worry about your baby smiling at the camera during their photoshoot.

What can you do to help?

During your photoshoot I'll ask you to sit down and relax. Honestly, that's all you'll need to do*.
Keeping baby relaxed and comfortable starts with you so please take this (often rare!) opportunity to sit with a cuppa and watch your gorgeous baby crush it in front of the camera. (Don't forget that by crush it I mean be 100% themselves, no pressure to perform).

Lockdown babies

Babies born during the last 18 months have had a tough gig, missing out on all of those wonderful opportunities to socialise such as baby groups, playdates etc. They've spent their first few months looking at your face and not many others, so coming into the studio is a big deal for them, I totally get that. It might take them a little while to warm up to me and be happy to leave your side. I'm going to shout this because it's important - THIS IS NOT A PROBLEM!

Ok, I may have told a bit of a lie just now when I said all you'd be asked to do is sit and chill (don't worry, you'll still get the chance to do that) but first I might need your help to settle your little one by playing with them or giving them lots of cuddles and reassurance if needed.

But please don't worry, there is a positive to this - it means that I'll be able to capture you both during some lovely tender moments together. Spending that time with them at the start of their photoshoot will help them see that there is nothing to worry about and allow them to relax and enjoy their time in the studio. Some baby's will be happy after 5 minutes, some might need 25, but it's important to follow their lead and allow them to do it in their own time.

Reassuring cuddles are the best

So, now that I've crushed your worry about your baby smiling at the camera during their photoshoot, is it time to start planning yours?

Drop me a message and we can chat about your photos (as well as the latest Married at First Sight dramas - did you see last night’s episode?!)

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